30.01.2014 Understanding the Changes – Prison Law Contract and Judicial Review

Location:  Garden Court Chambers, 57-60 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3LJGCN_Chambers

Date: 30 January 2014 5:45pm for 6:00pm start  8:00pm finish


Simon Creighton

Simon Creighton – Solicitor Bhatt Murphy.



AbigailSmithAbigail Smith – Barrister, Garden Court



FelicityWilliamsFelicity Williams – Barrister, Garden Court



Content to be covered by speakers:

  • What prison cases are now in scope of funding?
  • How are transitional cases dealt with?
  • Is any other funding available?
  • Which criminal/prison firms can still do JRs (i.e. associated CLS work; public law contract or special one-off contracts).
  • An outline of the proposed changes to the scope of JR funding, including the residence test, no costs if permission refused.
  • An outline of the proposed changes to the scope of JR itself (eg; the ‘no right to renew’ proposal).
  • The proposals on interventions.

Cost: £25 APL members  and £40 non-members  (places confirmed on receipt of payment).

CPD: 2 CPD points

A booking form for this event can be downloaded here.

Download the Flyer here.

Please contact administrator@associationofprisonlawyers.co.uk to book your place or for further information.