
APL Webinar – “When do I get out?” Understanding new prison release rules

When: Wednesday 4th September, 4:30pm to 5:30pm

Where: Online

To book your space please visit our Tailor Ticket page here

Overview: In response to severe lack of capacity in prison, various new rules around when certain determinate prisoners are released have been introduced. This means that the question “when will I get out?” is more likely to be asked of practitioners working with people in prison than ever before and the answer is more complicated than ever.

This seminar, led by APL Committee members, Dr Laura Janes and Claire Salama, will cover:

  • SDS40 rules
  • How the new rules interplay with other release mechanisms
  • What to do when people are not released from prison when they should be


  • £10 for APL members ( for information about how to join or renew your membership please visit our website here).
  • £20 for non-members